Wheels of Glory! Blog

One Day – VOTD.06.16.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 16th, 2016 | by

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church.   Ephesians 3:20

On the day of Pentecost, suddenly while the disciples were together in one place praying for the coming of the Spirit, the wind blew–the house was filled with the fire of God. The Holy Spirit came upon the people there. What did they do?

Well, there was one man there who 3-years earlier had been told he’d be a fisher of men—he’d be called an evangelist in our day. He hung in there for 3 years with no record of him winning a single soul to the Lord. Then suddenly one day the heavens opened, the Holy Spirit fell on Peter and he preached a sermon and 3000 people got saved.

In one day when the heavens opened Peter moved out. We really don’t know what happened to anyone else, personally, but we’re told about Peter. Maybe what happened to the other 119 people in the upper room was just spectacular, maybe they were out winning souls, themselves.

But we do have a record of this: After that ‘one day’, every time Peter opened his mouth people were rushing into the Kingdom. He crossed over to his calling… the plan of God opened up before him his destiny.

Elisha crossed over to his destiny in one day. He had faithfully been a servant for his master, the prophet Elijah, for years, but then, in one day, Elijah’s mantle fell from his shoulders onto Elisha and he began performing miracles that rivaled or exceeded his former master’s.

Elisha crossed over from being a blessed person to being a blessing. He was a blessed man because he was following Elijah around doing everything he needed. And that was OK, but God had a bigger plan for Elisha and in one day … the plan of God brought him into his purpose.

In one day God took a shepherd boy named David and turned him into a king. In one day God took Joseph from prison to the throne. One day Moses spotted a burning bush… One was a kid, another a young adult, another was 80 years old. It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been waiting…

When I entered my engineering career many years ago I was paired up with another believer. He and his wife were in their 50’s and had never been able to conceive a child. Then one day…she turned up pregnant… (Their son is in his late  20’s now, so it’s still happening.)

Only one day—that’s all it takes for God to make incredible changes in our circumstances. Once the heavens are open things begin to happen fast.

That’s all it takes for God to do exceedingly abundantly more than we ask or think.

One day. Maybe it’s today.

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