Wheels of Glory! Blog

VOTD.05.02.16 One Thing: Magdalene

Posted in Magdalene, Verse of the Day | May 2nd, 2016 | by

One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may…gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him Psalm 27:4

Last time we were asking the question: Has Jesus revealed Himself to you like He did to people in the Bible? Would you want Him to?

If you are like a lot of Christians, you feel a certain obligation to answer ‘yes’ when asked if you’d like Jesus to reveal Himself to you like He did to Magdalene and others. And if you stopped to think about it, it would be a pretty safe answer because you believe that circumstance is pretty unlikely.

If you are like many other Christians you can hardly wait to emphatically shout out, “YES! And make it NOW, please!!”

Of course there would be other Christians who might honestly say, “Ummm, thanks for the offer, but…I don’t think I’m ready for this.” And these people would be right, too.

To all three groups let me ask another question: Have you asked Jesus to reveal Himself to you? Not that He always waits for an invitation; that was Paul’s experience. But David caught the essence of it when he spoke of longing to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord in our verse for today.

A little later in the chapter David continued, “My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, LORD, I will seek.” Magdalene was of the same heart. She was continually caught up in seeing all she could of Jesus. She followed Him wherever she went. She was single-minded, fanatically obsessed with Jesus.

Later, the letter to the Hebrews, calls us to “fix our gaze on Jesus.” Fix means continually glued to—glue your attention on Jesus. Secure it right there. David was gluing his attention on His Lord when he said, “Your face I will seek”. Magdalene was glued to Jesus, too.

Look at her. She’s the last one to leave the crucifixion scene, the tomb where His body was placed. She’s the first one back at the tomb Resurrection morning. In between she was fixing spices to embalm His body. This lady was really out of balance!

And she saw the resurrected Jesus.

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