Wheels of Glory! Blog

VOTD.04.12.16 No Condemnation: Magdalene

Posted in Magdalene, Verse of the Day | April 12th, 2016 | by

There is NO CONDEMNATION now for those who live in union with Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit, which brings us life in union with Christ Jesus, has set me free Romans 8:1,2

But the time is coming and is already here, when BY THE POWER OF GOD’S SPIRIT people will worship the Father as he really is, offering him the true worship that he wants. God is Spirit, and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is.” John 4:23,24

If this woman who stood accused before Jesus was truly Magdalene, as church tradition tells us, I wonder if she was delivered from 7 demons before or after being dragged into the temple to be used by the spiritual leaders in their ploy to trap Jesus. The Bible doesn’t tell us chronologically when the deliverance happened.

What if she’d already been delivered? How embarrassing. To be delivered, only to fall into sin again, and then face Jesus. Think about it. Wouldn’t it have served the religious leadership’s schemes all the better if they were bringing before Jesus a woman He had previously delivered? It sounds just like the accuser of our souls, doesn’t it?

Something to think about. Jesus is the God of second chances. How much more might she fall at his feet and wash them with her tears? To be delivered and fall and still be uncondemned.

You know, that foot-washing thing at Simon’s house is all the more colorful when we realize that it was only in the power of the Holy Spirit that she could have worshiped Jesus in an acceptable way, “by the power of God’s Spirit people will worship” Jesus said. “only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he really is.”

What if Magdalene was delivered of the 7 demons AFTER the accusation-incident before Jesus in the temple? What then?

Then another of my favorite Romans verses is demonstrated: “Do not despise his great kindness, tolerance, and patience. For surely you know that it is God is kindness that leads you to repentance.” (2:4)

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