Wheels of Glory! Blog

Recreated in His Image – VOTD.08.01.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | August 1st, 2017 | by

Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens.  Psalms 148:13

Last time we learned how Jesus is the dreaded Lion to those who run from Him, while He’s the tender Lamb to those who seek Him.

If we are seeking Jesus, we are already in the holy of holys, next to God’s heart (Eph 2:6). Veil after veil has been removed (2 Cor 3:16). This enables us to experience the intimacy with our Savior.

While the North American Church has led many into a salvation experience with Jesus, we’ve often not led them into the beauty of God or experiencing Him in our every-day lives.

I say this not to tear down those who come across as “super saints”, but to build up those who know they are simply ordinary saints, because in the end the super-saint is a mirage… there is nothing but ordinary saints out there. Some Christians are experiencing Him far more fully than others, but all believers have been recreated in His image and He loves us.

When we think there are castes of Christians (worse, when we think we are super saints) we are giving into part of Satan’s lie.

Today’s verse says that the Lord’s “name alone is exalted”. Ps 148:13. Satan wants us to exalt ourselves, and if that fails, he wants us to exalt a few elite Christians among us… anything but exalt God alone.

Satan knows that in exalting each other we are really exalting ourselves anyway – by association with the “importance” of the people we exalt. Kind of like two little boys, each claiming “My dad can beat up your dad.” They’re building up their own value and worth by association with their dad’s courage, strength and fists.

No wonder the Bible instructs us to exalt only God.

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