Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Power of the Resurrection – VOTD.03.27.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | March 27th, 2018 | by

Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.” Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this? John 11:23-26

Today’s verses expose a common limitation that we find even today about the resurrection of Jesus. When He said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life,” Martha immediately concluded that He was talking about heaven some day. And it wasn’t that she was wrong, but Jesus wanted to expand her understanding.

The Power of Jesus’ Resurrection is at work today: The Power of the Resurrection that is just as powerful now, as it was then, and when it will be through eternity. Yes, it’s what makes us Christians today. It’s the only reason that we can be Christians.

Power of the Resurrection is the SALVATION of Jesus.
· It’s the Power of the Resurrection that gives us Faith to call upon the name of Jesus.
· It’s the Power of the Resurrection that gives you and me the power to draw others into God’s Kingdom.

But what the Resurrection has given you and me is more than Salvation, as wonderful as that is. It’s more than the Saints being raised up in a cloud with Believers when the last trumpet sounds. The Power of the Resurrection isn’t a “thing” or a “force”. The power of Jesus’ resurrection is Love, Hope, Joy, Peace, Victory, and Freedom:

Power of the Resurrection is the LOVE of Jesus.
· Love that sent Jesus into the world in the first place.
· Love that brought Him to death on the cross for us and then exploded Jesus out of the tomb
· Love that gives you and me new mercy to face the new day every morning

Power of the Resurrection is the HOPE of Jesus.
· Hope for the future in this life, according to the plans of God
· Hope for the present in every situation

Power of the Resurrection is the JOY of Jesus.
· This is the Joy we have that the world and the enemy can’t take it away
· This is the Joy of the Lord which is our strength

Power of the Resurrection is the PEACE of Jesus.
· This is the Peace, that surpasses all understanding
· This is the perfect Peace which keeps our hearts and minds fixed on Jesus

Power of the Resurrection is the VICTORY of Jesus.
· This is the victory that has overcome the world
· This victory triumphs through faith

Power of the Resurrection is the FREEDOM of Jesus.
· Whoever the Son set Free, is free indeed
· We are no longer slaves, but God’s children

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