And you are complete in Him, who has all authority over all principality and power. Colossians 2:10
It may seem strange, but believers, we need to be taught who we are—that we are the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21); we are walking miracles. We were dead in trespasses and sins…But God made us alive in Jesus (Eph 2:1,5). You and I may not feel like walking resurrections, but we are (Rom 6:5).
The fact that many believers do not know their identity in Jesus, and do not feel as if it were true, isn’t new and isn’t surprising. Paul prayed for believers that we “may know the immeasurable greatness of (God’s) power toward us who believe” (Eph 1:18,19). Apparently, he thought the Ephesian believers needed God to teach them the wonders of who they were. He was praying for God to show them their identity.
Christian virtues like kindness, joy, peace and power are not just gifts that Jesus bestows upon us. They are the new nature He has recreated us with when we became Christians. They are the very kindness, joy, peace and power of Jesus Himself. (more…)