Wheels of Glory! Blog

Overflowing with Hope – VOTD.12.27.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | December 27th, 2016 | by Wheels of Glory

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Let me start out with a question: Do you know anyone who is overflowing with hope? I don’t mean do you know any optimists. That’s altogether different. Someone who’s overflowing with hope is a person whose life is firmly planted in the joy and peace that comes from God as they trust Him. That’s what today’s verse is telling us.

Our hope is not in a specific thing or a specific result. Our hope is not even in what we hope God will do. Our hope is in God Himself. And that is an important distinction between optimism and biblical hope. We trust Him even if our life events may not be what we expected or desired. We walk in the certainty that God will prove Himself faithful to us, and that He will not disappoint us (Is 49:23).

One caution: this doesn’t mean that God’s goodness and faithfulness are always conspicuous and unambiguous. We may be afflicted, but we will not be crushed; We may be confused, but we will not be not driven to despair (2 Cor 4:8-9).

“The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him” Lam 3:25
“The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Ps 147:11

Sometimes it’s only in retrospect that we can see how God has been caring for us, providing for us, protecting us. Sometimes when we’re right in the thick of things, we can’t see any evidence of God working at all. But if we continue to trust Him, to place our hope in Him, He says we will not be disappointed. “Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed” (Is 49:23).

So where does this kind of hope come from? Let’s be real. It’s one thing to say, “put your hope in God.” It’s another to actually do it, especially when the pressure is high and our circumstances look hopeless. Where do we get the faith we need to do this? Faith comes from God (Eph 2:8). We have to go to Him to get the faith we need to place our hope in Him.

The Bible calls us to a “living hope” (1Pet 1:3). So if there’s a living hope, that implies there is a hope that isn’t living, too. And we need to know the difference. The problem for us isn’t that we don’t downplay our current problems enough (that’s optimism—that’s a dead hope).

Our problem is that we think too little of what God has in store for us. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor 2:9). When we stop to think about it, the difficulties and sorrows and pain that threaten to trample our hope are nothing compared to all God’s promises.

Living in that truth is overflowing hope.

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