Wheels of Glory! Blog

How Identity Produces Kindness – VOTD.12.06.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | December 6th, 2016 | by

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29

God’s purpose in creation and redemption is to have spiritual children conformed to the image of His Son. I’ve been saying for weeks that practicing kindness, for example, is greatly dependent on how we perceive ourselves (our identity). But how does that happen in us?

Our identities are essential to making us conformed to His image. When our identities are in Jesus, we’re going to live life differently than if our identities are in something else, even things like church, positions, our leaders; or other things like our political affiliation, the color of our skin, our gender, ancestry, profession, etc. What is it about how we see ourselves that makes it so important?

1.  Our identity controls our vision. When our identity is in Jesus and all that He is for us and is doing in us, we see possibilities that other people cannot appreciate. While others stumble around in spiritual confusion/sluggishness, we see where we’re going (1 Jn 1:7), and have clarity of purpose because we are called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28).

2.  Our identities control our focus. When our identity is in Jesus, there’s a radical shift of our focus. It moves from other things, passions, organizations, etc., to fixation on Jesus (Heb 12:2). When that happens, our focus expands from Him to all He has for us. Instead of our limited and short-sighted dreams and plans, we experience God’s vision for our life.

3. That’s because when our identities are in Jesus, we remove God’s restraints. God doesn’t push and shove his way into our life. He enters our heart and mind by invitation. We ask him to come in and change the way we think and feel about ourselves. Once we do that, the handcuffs come, and He starts transforming us into His likeness (Rom 8:29).

4. Our identity in Jesus gives us positive expectations. Our old way of thinking and feeling about ourselves is gone (2 Cor 5:17). There is no limit to how good our life can become when we get into agreement with what God says about us. When we say yes to what He says about us, His purpose and plan take us places that we never dreamed were possible.

5. Our identity controls the switch that turns on the grace of God transforming our actions and behavior. The inertia of our old life dissipates as the power of God’s love permeates our heart and mind. Then we can see the needs in front of us that God wants us to do something about and boldly minister to them from His abundance. For example, we no longer have to try to be kind; kindness will flow out of us naturally (or supernaturally).

6. That’s because when our identities are in line with what God says about us, our heart, mind, and will now want the same thing He wants and move in the same direction He’s moving. We get in agreement with God, and become a part of his plan instead of sitting on the sidelines spectating.

7. Our new identities gives us courage when we place our trust in God. We now see Jesus as the Engineer of our Destiny, and the Master of our Personality. We trust Him as our Guide who will show us where to take the next step.

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