Wheels of Glory! Blog

Holy Knowing the Holy Spirit – VOTD.07.10.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 10th, 2018 | by Wheels of Glory

Because we are united to Christ, we have direct access to the Father through the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:18

Have you ever finally met someone you had only emailed with in the past? Face to face we learn volumes about people whom we’ve never met in person. We discover things about their personality that changes our relationship completely.

We became sensitive to them as we experience what pleases them, what grieves them. We get to know them beyond what we’ve read. We even interpret what we’ve previously read in a different light because now we “know” them.

The Holy Spirit, wants each of us to know Him like that.

What makes someone a person? It’s what comes out of them. Emotions. Will. Intellect. Feelings. Opinions. These are just a few of the things that give us a personality. The Holy Spirit is a person. And just like you and me, He can feel, perceive, and respond. He gets hurt. He gets pleased. He speaks, and He has His own will.

The Spirit is one who brings into being within each of us direct access to the Father. He implements all that God has for us in our lives. God has many things for us… blessings, perfect gifts, abundant life, new nature, abilities, etc.… But it’s the Holy Spirit that adorns us with them and applies them to us.

This doesn’t eclipse the Father and the Son. But we can’t be in touch with the Father and the Son without the Holy Spirit. That’s the lesson of today’s verse. It is also the point of Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 2:10-14 which we’ll end with: 

“But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, he has revealed to us his inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, who constantly explores all things. After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit? So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by his Spirit, the Spirit of God.”

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