Wheels of Glory! Blog

A Culture of Kindness – VOTD.10.17.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 17th, 2016 | by

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Frequently, in our program-mindset, we think we have to plan and organize in order to achieve eternal results…so while we mean to be kind, or wish we could, we don’t act kindly because we don’t have the time, energy, whatever to do the monumental things. In other words, we make things overly complex.

Those who’ve followed my meditations know that I often say, “I can’t solve world hunger, but I can solve hunger for one or two.” And it’s because we can’t do it all that we often don’t do anything at all.

The thing is, acts of kindness don’t have to be extraordinary. These acts can be the normal, everyday events with a special twist that shows thoughtfulness—that shows we aren’t taking those we interact with for granted, that shows the people we interact with that they are important to us. No matter how simple or complex, no matter how ordinary or unique we always have the opportunity to show the love of Christ through simple acts of kindness.

It can be legitimately objected that some of us are simply more gifted at kindness than others. But lifestyle kindness is not based on who we are, but who Jesus is through us.

God loves us in so many ways. He feeds us, clothes us, provides for our physical needs. He also gives us strength when times are tough and comforts us when we experience loss. He’s there when we succeed and when we fail. He shows His unconditional kindness through the sacrifice of his Son for us.

But sometimes it might be hard to reflect that love that He has for us. Sometimes we might find it difficult to smile, let alone serve others. Sometimes, what we do might seem hopelessly inadequate, especially when compared to the sacrifices Jesus made for us.

The challenge is that sometimes we try to love under our own power, when the power to share Jesus in practical ways comes from Him. Paul knew this. Even when imprisoned, he knew and experienced the power of God at work. That’s why he tells the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

And you and I can show kindness to those we live with, work with, our neighbors, people in stores, church, anyone… through Christ who strengthens us.

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