Wheels of Glory! Blog


Posted in Product Reviews, Teaching & Musings | January 13th, 2021 | by

I don’t vividly remember the first time I heard this song.

All I remember was when its message came home to me.

My acclimation to the power of Ruins was actually relatively gradual.  I kept hearing it because I kept listening to the EP it is featured on.  I had run across Ledger’s music recently, and people kept talking about Ruins being their favorite song on the EP.  I vaguely remember being disappointed and thinking that it was about a breakup.  I guess I hadn’t really been listening to the lyrics.

Just stay there for a minute

And just don’t move any closer, move closer

Orange flowers and monarch butterfly

I just don’t know if I can take it

It feels like overexposure; move closer

Brick by brick and scar by scar

It’s taken me years to put up these guards

I don’t want to be hurt again

It’s it disaster or destiny

I feel safer now You’re close to me

And fall apart –

Once again, I’m broken; I’m crumbled

I’m in pieces on the floor

Don’t You know the damage You’ve done is just irreparable?

You’ll find me in the wreckage of a love so severe

And it’s clear, I just don’t know what I’m doing

Your love left me in ruins

Won’t You ruin me again?

Abandoned monastery

If you’ve ever experienced a real encounter with the Lord of Love, you will probably resonate with these lyrics to some extent. Every time I come in contact with that much raw love and power mixed together, I become aware all over again that He is capable of ruining me – in the best way possible.

I become aware that He will make me into His image, and that is the complete and utter antithesis of the image that the world will try to fit me into.  I will never again fully ‘fit in’ with the world.  That’s what it means to be ‘ruined’ for anything but Jesus.  Nothing ever will take His place in my life, and everything else pales and vanishes in comparison to His overwhelming presence.  But when you’ve looked on the Savior, you can’t ever totally look away.

Ruins certainly can seem like a terrifying prospect.  Frankly, we don’t often think of ruins as a good thing.  When the word ‘ruins’ is put forth, images of death and destruction come to mind.

And yet, that’s exactly what God is doing to us.

Forest path through rocks

He is putting to death the things that would keep us away from Him.  He’s destroying all that would hold us back.

But –

We like to be in control.  We want to regulate how much we surrender to His refining fire, and we want to keep our tidy little world in our own hands.

But is to be ruined by such extravagant love really such a bad thing?  Is giving up control to the God who created the universe eons ago so that it continues to work in perfect harmony so terrifying?  When I really asked myself this question, all of my petty arguments suddenly seemed very weak and, quite frankly, absurd.

To tell the truth, God’s love, though beautiful and extravagant, is power unimaginable.

Violent like a tidal wave

You hit me, blitzed me, shattered in a hurricane

Your love is the frame that holds me through it

I’m perfectly ruined

Ruined castle covered in ivy

When the love of God hits you, It is incapable of leaving its target unchanged.  And through the shaking and the burning of the Great Refiner’s fire, His love is the frame that keeps us in one piece through it.  Through His love, we can lay down our all and allow Him to burn away all of the chaff in our lives that isn’t what He wants to cultivate in us.

“As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear His threshing floor; and He will gather His wheat into the barn, but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” ~ Matthew 3:11-12

Frankly, being ruined by God is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I’m so thankful that He came after a filthy wretch and ruined me for anything but Him.  I’m more grateful than I can describe, and only one phrase remains in my heart and mind:

Won’t You ruin me again?

Watch my cover of this awesome song right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rz4VXhAUkS0

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Album Review: I Will Praise You by Rebecca St. James

Posted in Product Reviews | May 6th, 2016 | by

So I’ve been a long-time fan of RSJ (my sister remembers loving her song “A Cradle Prayer” ‘way back before I was even born… but that’s another story).  But her most recent release, I Will Praise You, is my favorite of any of the album she has ever released.  She has been in the worship music field for quite some time, but I find I Will Praise You to be her most anointed and worshipful release ever.  Some of the songs have carried me through difficult seasons in my life, and I believe that there is an anointing for encouragement on this album.

Quick Stats

Pros: It is more vertical worship than many of Rebecca’s other albums.

 Cons: If you don’t like covers (songs written and sung by others), you probably won’t like this album.  Rebecca does quite a few covers.  Personally, I actually prefer her versions much of the time


A Little Bit About the Album: Released in 2011 (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Album Review: “Healing Rain” by Michael W. Smith

Posted in Product Reviews | April 29th, 2016 | by

Healing Rain by Michael W. Smith is one of my favorite MWS albums.  I love the passion and worship that runs its way through the song.  Healing Rain is a beautiful expression of Michael’s heart that can help other Christians draw closer to God.


Quick Stats


Pros: It’s quite different from Michael W. Smith’s other albums with a slightly different sound


Cons: It’s not quite as ‘vertical worship’ as some of Michael W. Smith’s albums.


A Little About the Album: Healing Rain comes (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Christian Children’s Albums We’d Actually Recommend

Posted in Lists, Product Reviews | April 15th, 2016 | by Wheels of Glory

Why is it that most children’s albums on the market today are lacking in quality, originality, and decent lyrics?  I mean, really, what parent with any musical taste wants to listen to kids who can’t hit the notes, lyrics that make you scratch your head, and run-of-the-mill plots and arrangements that remind us of the originality of Nancy Drew or the Hardee Boys?


Thankfully, there are some quality, original children’s music out there – you just have to look for it.  Here are some we’ve discovered over the years.  It’s by no means an exclusive list, just things we’ve found and enjoyed. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Album Review: The Undoing by Steffany Gretzinger

Posted in Product Reviews | April 2nd, 2016 | by

The Undoing by Steffany Gretzinger Album Cover

The Undoing by Steffany Gretzinger

I am a person with many ‘favorite albums’.  But very few of my ‘favorite albums’ carry the power that Steffany Gretzinger’s The Undoing has.  Along with the good instrumentation and Steffany’s powerful voice and intense passion, it also has a unique Holy Spirit anointing that is hard to find elsewhere.  It is an excellent album for anyone going through a hard season where the process is seeming to get endless and it feels like you’re never getting to your ‘promised land’.  If that is you, you might find The Undoing a very helpful album for worshipping through the process.



Quick Stats


Pros: It’s ‘different’ from (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Album Review: “Brave New World” by Amanda Cook

Posted in Product Reviews | March 25th, 2016 | by Wheels of Glory

It’s been a long time since I had a favorite album.


But Amanda Cook’s (nee Falk) most recent release, Brave New World, has become a favorite since it came out last September.  I can’t put my finger on why; it’s not the lyrics, the instrumentation, or brilliant arrangements.  They’re all excellent quality.  But there’s just something about the feel of the album that brings me back every time, that, quite simply, makes the album a definite favorite.


Quick Stats:


Excellent (more…)