Wheels of Glory! Blog

Blameless and Pure – VOTD.06.20.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 20th, 2017 | by

Do everything without complaining… so that you may become blameless and pure children of God. Philippians 2:14,15

When we speak of Biblical Contentment, we’re not talking about stoic, “grin and bear it” resignation. Nor are we speaking of sticking our heads in the sand and pretending all is well when it’s not. We are talking about TRUST in a good God who wants the best for His children.

But what can we do to be more contented believers?

TRUST: Discontentment often manifests itself in the form of complaining. Often when we find ourselves complaining (either verbally or in our hearts) we are really showing a lack of trust in God. A better use of our emotional energy would be to pray, “Lord, give me a trusting spirit that believes that You are Lord of this situation.” We may need to pray that prayer a whole lot. But God is faithful to answer it!

THANK: Thankfulness is the result of contentment. You and I simply can’t be thankful and discontent. Intentionally, ponder what it is that we have to be thankful for. Write out a list if that would be helpful. Become obsessed with thanking God. Pray for God to fill us with an attitude of gratitude.

MODEL: Consider and/or write down some ways that we can model contentment to those around us…To our workmates, our family, our churchmates… and then act upon them. The world and even the Body of Christ is full of people who are not content. Talk about the meaning of contentment. Ask those complainers (ask ourselves!) what it is that would make them happy. (A lot of times, they don’t know; or when they stop to think about it, what would make them happy is so far outside of reality that they recognize it’s silly.)  Brainstorm ways to show contentment.

STUDY: Look up verses about being content and relying on the Lord. Check out verses and accounts in the Bible about God’s faithfulness and His promises. Intentionally read through a passage like Psalm 91 and ask God to place His wing over you. Intentionally choose to dwell in the shelter of the Most High.

CASTING: Think about or list some area or areas that we have trouble being content in. Pick an area and ask God to give us a spirit of contentment in that area. For example: Our Job situations, Church situations, Spouse situations, Children, etc. Choose to be thankful that God is working and trust Him to take care of it. Casting ALL our cares upon Him. (I Pet 5;7).

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