Wheels of Glory! Blog

Amazing Jesus – VOTD.07.02.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 2nd, 2018 | by

Everyone was awestruck. They were stunned seeing the power and majesty of God flow through Jesus. Luke 9:43

My desire is that all I write brings glory to God. But in this meditation, I’m focusing on Jesus specifically. In reality, Jesus is too amazing for words. But the writers of the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit did their best with words to help us understand just how amazing Jesus is.

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Every knee will bow to him both in heaven and on earth. He is the most glorious One in both places. Highly exalted above all powers and principalities, much more powerful than anything that exists. Jesus Christ rules over everything that we think is in charge. He is the Lord over everyone who thinks they are in charge. His authority is perfect, complete, and forever.

He is life in eternity. Nothing and no one can measure up with Jesus, because He is perfect by every measure. The host of heaven rejoice and worship Him in total awe and rapturous esteem. Jesus is the ultimate joy of God the Father. He is the joy of humanity and all the beings of heaven. He is from eternity to eternity and is higher exalted than anybody else.

Jesus is too beautiful for words and the bringer of happiness to the people who love him. He is perfect Victor. He gives us His victory and fills us with hope. He makes our future beautiful instead of frightening.

Jesus is the light of the world. His radiance is brighter than the sun. His light is so magnificent that it banishes the deepest darkness. The light of His face is overwhelming and devastating to evil. Demons retreat in fear of His brilliant appearance. He is righteous and pure in everything He does, says and thinks. 

Jesus’ words are like an all-consuming fire that destroys sin and while consoling sinners and leading us in righteousness. He establishes His Father’s Kingdom, changing everything and transforming it to the values of the Kingdom of God.

Who is like Jesus? Risen from the death, resurrected to eternity, reigning without end. But words can only take us so far. They can’t adequately describe Jesus. He is too beautiful, too strong, too appealing, too pure, too full of joy, too radiant, too unimaginable for the most beautiful words.

If we want to know how amazing Jesus really is, we have to experience Him for ourselves. Open our eyes, Lord, that we may be speechlessly amazed and grow wild with passion for You.

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