Wheels of Glory! Blog

Affirming One Another – VOTD.04.10.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | April 10th, 2018 | by

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Last time we looked at how to affirm ourselves in the promises of God. Today I want to look at affirming others. One of the unique things about today’s verse is that Paul actually demonstrates affirming the people of Thessalonica in his admonition to encourage and build one another up when he says, “just as you are doing”.

A lot of times, we don’t focus much energy on actively encouraging others and building them up… Especially if those people seem to be doing OK.  It’s a lot easier to be encouraging when people are down…then it’s a “ministry opportunity”, right? And besides, we feel their pain, ourselves… when we know they are walking through difficult times. So we react to needs around us. Paul’s saying, “Encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another,” even when they appear to be doing just fine.

Paul even tells his readers why this is important: it’s because we share in Jesus’ resurrection life and this is part of what being in union with Him is all about (v. 10). And by extension, because we are children of the light, not the darkness (v. 5). Believers who are living in resurrection aren’t discouragers, fault-finders, holier-than-thou, step on others to get to the top. No, we love as Jesus loves. And part of the expression of His love is encouraging, affirming, building up.

People living in resurrection life will increasingly become encouragers. They will increasingly see others through Jesus’ eyes. So how can we build one another up?

As we saw last time, most of the time, we don’t see the good qualities in ourselves. Others can see them in us, and if they don’t tell us what they see, we may never know. We need to affirm what God has given to each one of us. We are inspired and encouraged through affirmations.

Well, it works both ways. We need to affirm others so they know what we see. That way we combat the negativity that the enemy is dropping on each one of us, telling us we’re worthless, hopeless, meaningless. We declare war on the enemy and build up our brothers and sisters:

Affirming who they are
Affirming their gifts and abilities
Affirming what God has given them

When we’re proactive in giving the gift of affirmation to those around us we remind one another of what God has given us. We look for the good in others and affirm them! We can ask God to mold a heart of encouragement into us. And we can in learn to be more proactive giving support and encouragement, it becomes part of our lifestyle… and it affects those whose lives we affect.

I read about an old man who had a plaque beside the phone in his study: “#1 Build people up by encouragement. #2 Give people credit by acknowledgement. #3 Give people recognition by gratitude.”

It was there to remind him of how he was to treat people as he spoke with them on the phone. Wouldn’t you know, his son grew up to be one of the most encouraging people. His name is practically synonymous with encouragement. Encouragement spreads.

To summarize, look at the good in others and affirm them. Catch them when they are doing right and tell them so. See the potential in people because God has made them unique and given them gifts.

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