Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Holy Spirit: Be Filled – VOTD.07.31.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 31st, 2018 | by

And the disciples were continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:52
Do not get drunk with wine, for that living recklessly; but be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18

Paul taught the early believers to “be filled with the Spirit.” Being filled with the Spirit is both a privilege and an essential part of living a Christian life. The word “filled” is in the present tense and is to be a constant, repeated way of life. We are to be filled and then “re-filled” again and again.

As we grow more and more intimate with Jesus, we live more completely and continuously by the power of the Holy Spirit, which is in us:

“Since the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from death, lives in you, then he who raised Christ from death will also give life to your mortal bodies through the presence of his Spirit in you” (Rom. 8:11). (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Holy Spirit: What Now? – VOTD.07.30.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 30th, 2018 | by

So I say, walk by the Spirit…
Yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit…
Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives
Galatians 5:16

We’ve been looking at the Holy Spirit theologically and so far we’ve looked at Him from the perspective of Academic theology, Historical theology, Spiritual theology, and today we’ll look at the Holy Spirit from Practical theology.

Practical theology asks the “What now?” Given the truths we’ve discovered, how do we personally apply what we know in a hands-on way? How does this change you and me?

1. First of all, the Holy Spirit gives us supernatural power. Jesus said in Acts 1:8, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. It’s telling that Paul warned us to stay far away from Christians who don’t have power (2 Tim 3:5). Just look at the disciples before and after the Spirit indwelled them at Pentecost (Acts 2ff). What now? What are we going to do with this power? (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Holy Spirit: So What? – VOTD.07.24.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 24th, 2018 | by Wheels of Glory

[Jesus said,] I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Holy Spirit will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:7

In today’s verse, Jesus gives us an amazing promise about the Holy Spirit, yet many of us just gloss over it: It is to our advantage, He said, that He return to heaven, because then we can receive the Spirit. If asked whether we would rather have Jesus beside us or the Spirit inside us, how many of us would really choose the Spirit? This is where Spiritual Theology comes in.

When spiritual theology looks at a principle, it asks “So what?” What difference does it make? How does this work out in our every-day lives? What does my own (and other’s) life-experience teach us about this?

Did you know that the largest Christian denomination on earth has only in the last 25 years conceded that the earth is round? That’s right. For centuries they taught flat earth. Then as that position became harder to defend they sort of let the matter go quiet. Finally, on Oct 31, 1992, they capitulated. What took them so long? They didn’t have their Spiritual Theology down. They clung to badly interpreted proof texts and ignored the evidence of orbiting spacecrafts. They ignored experience.

For many Christians, the same thing holds true when they consider the Holy Spirit. They cling to badly interpreted proof texts and ignores all that the Holy Spirit is doing in other parts of the Body. Complaining about ‘excesses’ and warning of Satan posing as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14), they tuck the Holy Spirit into a category of things not understood and go on their way. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Holy Spirit: What? – VOTD.07.17.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 17th, 2018 | by Wheels of Glory

I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter (Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener), the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be with you—and He will never leave you…You will know him intimately, because he will make his home in you and will live inside you. John 14:16,17

Last time we talked about 4 ways to look at any hard-to-grasp topic in the Bible. 

1.      Academic theology asks What? What can we learn intellectually and how should we interpret that information?
2.      Historical theology asks When? It looks at what has been learned over time and how does it relate to our current understanding?
3.      Spiritual theology asks “So what?” How does this work out in our every-day lives? What does my own (and others’) life-experience teach us?
4.      Practical theology asks the “What now?” Given the truths we’ve discovered, how do we personally apply what we know in a hands-on way? How does this change you and me?

So today I want to look at the first way to look at the Holy Spirit: What information do we have? (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Theology of the Holy Spirit – VOTD.07.16.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 16th, 2018 | by

Then, taking a deep breath, [Jesus] blew on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.  John 20:22

When we look at a topic like the Holy Spirit there are at least four ways to look at it: academic, historical, spiritual, and practical. All are theological, and most people only look at the Holy Spirit one or two of these ways, which accounts for why the topic of the Holy Spirit can get so clouded. 

So today I want to consider HOW we look at the Spirit…

Academic theology (including systematic, biblical, exegetical, and lexical) explores the “What?” questions. It’s based on logic, philosophical questions and cognitive understanding. If we were to look at water from this viewpoint, we’d see a combination of hydrogen and oxygen, and consider the qualities of water (liquid, solid, gas), its erosive nature, etc. Of course, Academic theology begins looking at the Spirit from the texts of the Bible, and quickly breaks down those texts in an orderly and logical way, reaching conclusions based on that orderly scholarship.

Historical theology explores the development of doctrine over time. It asks the “When?” questions. It uncovers and presents the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in evangelical tradition or other traditions and how it has evolved from the time of the Bible writes and church fathers to arrive at the state it is today. Using our water analogy, we’d see the historical: what did people used to think about water, how has that changed? Where is the latest thinking leading? Of course, historical theology begins with the texts of the Bible and quickly moves on to how those texts were interpreted in the early church, the church of the Middle Ages, the reformation, various renewal and revivals since then. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Holy Spirit: When? – VOTD.07.23.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 13th, 2018 | by

When He had said this, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit…” John 20:22
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit… Acts 2:4
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke to them… Acts 4:8

At a recent wedding I was talking to a young woman who expressed serious spiritual confusion based on what she found herself experiencing vs. the theology (or lack of it) that she had grown up in church with. In a nutshell, she was experiencing a move of the Holy Spirit in her life, but her church experience had never prepared her for God acting this way.

That’s ok. God specializes in breaking out of the boxes we have Him in. But how is it that so many people like this young women…people who grew up in local churches with youth programs, sound teaching, etc… meet the work of the Holy Spirit and have no idea?

That question is answered by the ‘When?’ question. How has what has been learned over time affect what we currently think (positively and negatively)? How does failure to learn affect us when we face spiritual realities we’ve never considered? (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Holy Knowing the Holy Spirit – VOTD.07.10.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 10th, 2018 | by Wheels of Glory

Because we are united to Christ, we have direct access to the Father through the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:18

Have you ever finally met someone you had only emailed with in the past? Face to face we learn volumes about people whom we’ve never met in person. We discover things about their personality that changes our relationship completely.

We became sensitive to them as we experience what pleases them, what grieves them. We get to know them beyond what we’ve read. We even interpret what we’ve previously read in a different light because now we “know” them.

The Holy Spirit, wants each of us to know Him like that.

What makes someone a person? It’s what comes out of them. Emotions. Will. Intellect. Feelings. Opinions. These are just a few of the things that give us a personality. The Holy Spirit is a person. And just like you and me, He can feel, perceive, and respond. He gets hurt. He gets pleased. He speaks, and He has His own will.

The Spirit is one who brings into being within each of us direct access to the Father. He implements all that God has for us in our lives. God has many things for us… blessings, perfect gifts, abundant life, new nature, abilities, etc.… But it’s the Holy Spirit that adorns us with them and applies them to us.

This doesn’t eclipse the Father and the Son. But we can’t be in touch with the Father and the Son without the Holy Spirit. That’s the lesson of today’s verse. It is also the point of Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 2:10-14 which we’ll end with:  (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The communion of the Holy Spirit – VOTD.07.09.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 9th, 2018 | by

The communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Corinthians 13:14

Last time I provided two high-level steps to pursue if we want to meet with the Holy Spirit personally: 1. Ask the Holy Spirit to meet with us and reveal Himself to us in personal ways. 2. Ask people we know who seem to walk closer with the Spirit than we do to pray for us to receive more of the Spirit’s tangible presence in our lives.

Simple, right? Well, it’s amazing how many Christians are afraid to do that. Why? Because we don’t have an accurate concept of the Holy Spirit’s personality. So when we think of the Spirit it’s all kinds of weird… maybe even creepy… emotions. We know that this is God we’re talking about, but many of us have heard about Christians that are into the Holy Spirit that don’t fit our model of Christian decorum.

If that describes you, then let me admit that there are excesses out there. True. But that’s no reason to live in spiritual poverty just so you won’t be linked with the excesses that sometimes associated with spiritual wealth.

It’s kind of like some poor person saying, “I don’t want to be wealthy… have you seen the headlines in the grocery store checkout mags? Those wealthy people are wacko!” If that’s how you feel, let me tell you that there are plenty of wealthy people who aren’t wacko—you just never read about them in the grocery store checkout.

The same applies to what today’s verse calls, “the communion of the Holy Spirit,” which Paul prays over the Corinthian believers. If we knew the Holy Spirit as a person, this wouldn’t be a problem. You *hear* about people doing odd things in meetings where the Spirit is moving. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Holy Spirit is Amazing – VOTD.07.03.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 3rd, 2018 | by

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of God, so that we might experience the things that are freely lavished upon us by God. 1 Corinthians 2:12

Many years ago a group I was with got caught out in the woods on a moonless night without flashlights. It was pitch dark, so we held hands to try to not run into anything. The problem was, none of us could see where we were going so though we were together we kept stumbling into briars, prickers, trees, and so forth.

That memory comes back to me when I think about much of my early ‘training’ about the Holy Spirit. It’s not that my teaching about all God has for us was out of sync with all the other teachers I knew, it was just that none of us had enough “light” to be of any use to ourselves, much less anyone else. And even today, many Christians are in the same situation. Plenty of company, but collectively no further enlightened than my friends and I when we were walking in the dark.

Let’s start with the basics. The Holy Spirit is with us from the moment we invite Jesus into our lives and become born again. Problem is, a lot of Christians stop right there. Yes they’re headed for heaven someday, but meanwhile, they miss out on all that could be theirs through the deeper experience of the Holy Spirit (“things that are freely lavished upon us”).

Then there are Christians who testify to a second impartance of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Many Christians attest to that experience and stop right there. But again, they miss out on all that could be theirs through the deeper experience of the Holy Spirit. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Amazing Jesus – VOTD.07.02.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | July 2nd, 2018 | by

Everyone was awestruck. They were stunned seeing the power and majesty of God flow through Jesus. Luke 9:43

My desire is that all I write brings glory to God. But in this meditation, I’m focusing on Jesus specifically. In reality, Jesus is too amazing for words. But the writers of the Bible inspired by the Holy Spirit did their best with words to help us understand just how amazing Jesus is.

Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Every knee will bow to him both in heaven and on earth. He is the most glorious One in both places. Highly exalted above all powers and principalities, much more powerful than anything that exists. Jesus Christ rules over everything that we think is in charge. He is the Lord over everyone who thinks they are in charge. His authority is perfect, complete, and forever.

He is life in eternity. Nothing and no one can measure up with Jesus, because He is perfect by every measure. The host of heaven rejoice and worship Him in total awe and rapturous esteem. Jesus is the ultimate joy of God the Father. He is the joy of humanity and all the beings of heaven. He is from eternity to eternity and is higher exalted than anybody else.

Jesus is too beautiful for words and the bringer of happiness to the people who love him. He is perfect Victor. He gives us His victory and fills us with hope. He makes our future beautiful instead of frightening.

Jesus is the light of the world. His radiance is brighter than the sun. His light is so magnificent that it banishes the deepest darkness. The light of His face is overwhelming and devastating to evil. Demons retreat in fear of His brilliant appearance. He is righteous and pure in everything He does, says and thinks.  (more…)