Wheels of Glory! Blog

Why did I say that? (pt 1) – VOTD.06.27.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 27th, 2017 | by

If anyone is never at fault in what he says, then he is mature, able to control his whole body. James 3:2

Each of us is known by how we behave, and our behavior is based on what is happening in our hearts. One particular aspect of our behavior, that flows from our hearts is our words.

Face it. It is every Christian’s desire to be content. Many believe they don’t deserve to be (because they have problems accepting God’s forgiveness), others believe it is outside the realm of possibility given their circumstances, yet others are too busy to think about it. Yet for all, contentment is desired.

The reason our tongues are so important to our being content is that our words give us a vivid picture of the state of our hearts… and they show us how much we’ve allowed the Holy Spirit to transform us.

If we holler and rant and rave… it’s because there is a heart problem. If we are cynical and sarcastic, it’s because there is a heart problem. If we are gossips and back stabbers, it’s because there’s a heart problem. Augmentative? Abusive? Accusers? Bullies …Heart problem… (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Heart – VOTD.06.26.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 26th, 2017 | by

Out of your heart come evil thoughts, murder, unfaithfulness, offensive deeds, stealing, telling lies, and insulting others. These are what make you unclean. Matthew 15:20

Out of the heart… One of the reasons that Christians have so much difficulty being content is that we focus on behavior management instead of heart surrender. And since we fail to get our behavior where we want it to be, we feel defeated, rather than contented.

We think if we can just get our behavior in line with the Bible, we’ll be holy. But holiness is a matter of the heart and if we want our behavior to exemplify Christ, our hearts must exemplify Christ first and foremost. How often we focus on terms like “integrity” (acting out certain behaviors) and good deeds, instead of purity of heart.

Yet the Holy Spirit has placed the desire in each believer to live a holy life… one that glorifies God and displays His love. Our desire to be content will never be really fulfilled without becoming more like the men and women God wants for us to be. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

The Big Lie – VOTD.07.25.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 25th, 2017 | by

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

Something one of my sons really got into several years ago is digitally restoring awful photographs. He took pictures that you’d never want to show anyone and made them look like postcard material. God is in that business, too… in dealing with our lives.

All of Satan’s lies are destructive. Keep that in mind. He never lies to us except to destroy us. It is foolish to embrace his lies…but they sneak into our thinking because they are usually subtle—so subtle that we can pick them up, even at church and Christian events … they are that pervasive.

There are two kinds of lies Satan tells us that are probably deadlier than any of the others: The first are the lies He tells us about God (WHO HE IS and what He’s like) and the second are the lies he tells us about WHO WE ARE.

You see Satan works to either diminish who God is or diminish who we are in Jesus. Diminish God’s Holiness or diminish His Grace and who we are because of His grace. And if we lose touch with either of those we will end up in a destructive situation.

To some of us, Satan diminishes the sinfulness of sin. He wants us to think that God is not as godly as He really is and that sin isn’t as contrary to His nature as it really is. This does 2 things: First, it smears God’s character. Second, it gets our focus off the consequences to sin. (Face it, if we came to grips with sin’s consequences, it would be obvious why we wouldn’t want to sin, and why God wouldn’t want us to sin.)

So Satan takes things that are hideous, and makes them appear harmless (even wonderful)—by doing that He makes God appear less holy and more of a killjoy. And he also clouds our ability to see that EVERY sin has negative consequences. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Blameless and Pure – VOTD.06.20.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 20th, 2017 | by

Do everything without complaining… so that you may become blameless and pure children of God. Philippians 2:14,15

When we speak of Biblical Contentment, we’re not talking about stoic, “grin and bear it” resignation. Nor are we speaking of sticking our heads in the sand and pretending all is well when it’s not. We are talking about TRUST in a good God who wants the best for His children.

But what can we do to be more contented believers?

TRUST: Discontentment often manifests itself in the form of complaining. Often when we find ourselves complaining (either verbally or in our hearts) we are really showing a lack of trust in God. A better use of our emotional energy would be to pray, “Lord, give me a trusting spirit that believes that You are Lord of this situation.” We may need to pray that prayer a whole lot. But God is faithful to answer it!

THANK: Thankfulness is the result of contentment. You and I simply can’t be thankful and discontent. Intentionally, ponder what it is that we have to be thankful for. Write out a list if that would be helpful. Become obsessed with thanking God. Pray for God to fill us with an attitude of gratitude.

MODEL: Consider and/or write down some ways that we can model contentment to those around us…To our workmates, our family, our churchmates… and then act upon them. The world and even the Body of Christ is full of people who are not content. Talk about the meaning of contentment. Ask those complainers (ask ourselves!) what it is that would make them happy. (A lot of times, they don’t know; or when they stop to think about it, what would make them happy is so far outside of reality that they recognize it’s silly.)  Brainstorm ways to show contentment. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Contentment – VOTD.06.19.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 19th, 2017 | by

“I have learned, in whatever situation I am in, to be content.” Philippians 4:11

“…and be content with such things as you have: for he (Jesus) has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

“Godliness with contentment is great gain.” 1 Timothy 6:6

God’s plan for each of us is to be content. The Bible is clear in the verses above (and many others) about that. Now that truth has been mis-represented and twisted to justify all kinds of selfish and sinful attitudes and behaviors—that’s mis-using the Scripture. But it is still true: God wants His Children to be content.

The kind of contentment we’re talking about is rest or quietness of the mind *IN* the present condition…a trust in His power that overcomes complaint. An assurance of His faithfulness that smothers unrestrained desire.

Notice that contentment goes along with Godliness (1Tim 6:1). We cannot be Godly and continue to be swayed by the negative circumstance that come our way. He is enough. His Grace is sufficient.

One of the major works of the Holy Spirit within us is to enable us to be satisfied in our heart and mind that God has every situation under control… even the ones where Satan seems to be winning. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Pentecost – Then What? – VOTD.06.13.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 13th, 2017 | by

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. Acts 2:42-47

So Pentecost came and the Holy Spirit came and a huge number of people came to faith in Jesus. Then what? Well, people who had turned to faith in Jesus started getting together—daily. That’s right. Every day. And what did they do when they got together? I count 5 things:

1) They devoted themselves to learning more about Jesus.
2) They devoted themselves to the fellowship (talking among themselves—the word for fellowship doesn’t mean chit-chat around a buffet; it means deep relationship and even one-ness).
3) They devoted themselves to eating together (or partaking of the Lord’s Supper; ‘breaking of bread’ could mean either or more likely both); apparently, they did it in their homes (v. 46).
4) The devoted themselves to prayer.
5) They worshipped. “Praising God” was part of the get-together.

Apparently, when they got together, they saw ‘many wonders and sign performed’, as well. So maybe we could say that the outcome was that a 6th thing happened. And a 7th thing that was an outcome was that people began to share. The point is, a lot of people have said, the new converts started doing church. And these 7 things is what their church looked like—every day!

Considering that today’s verses are nearly the only thing the Bible says about how church was done back in the early days, it’s important to consider if we’re doing it like this or if not, why not? There may be good reasons. None of this is mandated. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Contact with the Spirit in the Trinity – VOTD.06.12.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 12th, 2017 | by

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:15

There’s a brilliant theological concept we call the Trinity, which amazingly, nearly all Christians agree upon. It’s simply a way to describe the ‘three in one’ nature of God: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. These three are One God. Not three parts of God, even though they can act individually. (It can get a lot deeper than that, but that’s all we need for this meditation.)

The ‘Father’ and ‘Son’ are concepts which we can understand pretty easily in the Bible. They have a sort of mental and emotional resonance with us and we can pretty much figure out how they act individually and in harmony with each other and with each of us.

The Holy Spirit, on the other hand, is more difficult for many of us to grasp (just as Jesus implied when He spoke of those who are ‘born of the Spirit’ and how they would be (Jn 3:8).

The ‘Spirit’ or in the old English, ‘Ghost’… ‘Holy Ghost’ sounds alien and just a little spooky. So those of us who like to define and pigeonhole things into neat packages so that they are easily taught and understood are going to find the Holy Spirit pretty elusive because He isn’t easily defined—and that’s exactly what Jesus was saying to the theologically-bound Nicodemus in John 3 (v. 10). The Spirit works mysteriously but so tangibly…if we’re watching. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Pentecost Realities – VOTD.06.06.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 6th, 2017 | by Wheels of Glory

Very truly I tell you, it is for your advantage that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. John 16:7

In today’s verse, Jesus predicts the events of Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. None-the-less, many Christians believe in the Spirit that came at Pentecost, but they relate to Him the same way they might relate to their pituitary gland: Undoubtedly grateful it’s in there; remember from health classes that it’s essential for something; wouldn’t want to lose it…but they don’t really interact with it.

For these Christians, the Holy Spirit is not a moving, dynamic Person. He’s more of a theory than an experience.

Yet Jesus said the most shocking thing about the Holy Spirit in today’s verse; one so familiar, however, that many of us just gloss over it without considering its significance. He said it was to our ADVANTAGE that He leave us and sit at the Father’s right hand in heaven because it meant we could receive the Holy Spirit. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Pentecost Substitutes – VOTD.06.05.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | June 5th, 2017 | by

Paul traveled across the hill country to Ephesus, where he met some of the Lord’s followers. He asked them, “When you put your faith in Jesus, were you given the Holy Spirit?” “No!” they answered. “We did not even know that there was a Holy Spirit.” Acts 19:1-2

In case you missed it, yesterday was the Day of Pentecost, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit to abide within each of us. Many Christians are like the Ephesians in today’s verses. When Paul asked them if they’d receive the Holy Spirit when they believed, they replied, we did not even know that there was a Holy Spirit. Then Paul placed his hands on them. The Holy Spirit was given to them (v6).

Of course, today, most Christians are aware of the Holy Spirit’s existence, but for many, that knowledge does them little good because they haven’t been to their own Day of Pentecost.

They don’t understand the role of the Holy Spirit because they haven’t reached out and taken hold of the Spirit for themselves; they don’t experience the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I’ve heard present-day, North American Christianity described as “The Era of Pentecost Substitutes”. Lacking the real power—lacking the real fire from God— many try to produce their own fireworks.

Many whole churches today are fat, out of shape and out of breath. They are muscle-bound through over-organization, controlism, judgmentalism, honor-brokering, etc. What we need today is the wind and the flame of Pentecost. What we need is the Holy Spirit affecting our lives, not just our organization or theology.

Back to “Pentecost Substitutes”: We are living in the day of programs and promotions and pulpit stunts, trying to duplicate the excitement that God-the-Holy-Spirit did back in the New Testament. Much like Nadab and Abihu who offered fire that was unacceptable to the Lord (Num 26:61), we whip up our own flames, but we lack the reality and the warmth of the real thing. (more…)