Wheels of Glory! Blog

An Attitude of Thanksgiving – VOTD.10.31.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 31st, 2016 | by Wheels of Glory

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published (saying that anyone who prays to any “god” except the king would be thrown into the lions’ den), he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. Daniel 6:10

As we saw last time, when God tells us to give thanks in everything (Eph 5:20), He is actually prescribing the way for us to position ourselves to receive what He promises us.

Daniel is a great example of this. When he got down on his knees and thanked God he actually released the power of God into his dire situation. He released the favor of God upon himself.

Thankfulness releases blessing. It is an access to anointing God gives us to do great things for Him…to receive great things from Him…and to facilitate the fulfillment of His promises. Just like parenting children, it’s difficult to get into a situation where we’re rewarding an entitlement spirit by giving our children things they don’t appreciate. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

An Attitude of Entitlement – VOTD.10.25.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 25th, 2016 | by

The sacrifice that honors me is a thankful heart. It prepares the way so that I, your God, may show you my power… Psalm 50:23

There’s an old sermon illustration which I’ve enjoyed about two old friends who bumped into each other on the street after not meeting for quite a while. One looked dejected, on the verge of tears. His friend asked, “What’s the matter?” The sad guy answered, “Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, an uncle died and left me fifty thousand dollars.” “That’s a lot of money,” replied his friend. “Are you sad about your uncle’s death?”

“Well not really, it’s just that two weeks ago a cousin I never even knew died, and left me a hundred thousand free and clear.” “Wow! Sounds like you’ve been really blessed…” “Wait! You don’t understand!” the sad guy interrupted. “Last week my great-aunt passed away and I inherited almost half a million.” Now the friend was really confused. “Then, why are you so bummed out?” The sad guy answered, “This week no one died!”

We are a people that fall easily into an attitude of entitlement. God expects us to be thankful. Not in a circumstance-dependent way, but in a Spirit-induced way. If we are ever to practice kindness effectively, appreciation has got to be foundational.

Something that is often missed today, is that there’s an immense spiritual significance in thankfulness—in refusing to have to nurse and entitlement attitude. As today’s verse states, thankfulness is a significant key to release God’s power…a spirit of heartfelt and mouth-expressed thankfulness is one of the most life-shaping qualities you and I can possess.

Thankfulness releases God’s power. It gives us access to anointing (1 Jn 2:20). That is, it opens the way for us to experience a side of Jesus that we can’t so long as we live in an entitlement mindset. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

A Culture of Graciousness – VOTD.10.24.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 24th, 2016 | by

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:12-14

One of the reasons Christians fail to act kindly is simply because we don’t have the presence of mind in the moment that we might have responded with kindness to put away apathy or rudeness and put on compassion, kindness, etc.

That is, we take people around us for granted. Their wishes, their value are thrown under the bus of our preoccupation with ourselves. That’s an easy thing to do as we race through the day, distracted by so many things, trying to beat the clock, trying to do it all. How can we show Christian kindness when we’re overly tired, bogged down in responsibilities that steal our time and drain us, diverting our attention from other people and their needs? (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

VOTD.10.18.16 Kindness – Bearing Burdens

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 18th, 2016 | by

Carry one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

Have you ever been in an affluent residential neighborhood…houses whose prices go well into the millions? Ever notice how many of these houses have bars on the windows? Security gates? It’s like the homes of the moderately wealthy end up in the same category as prisons and mental institutions.

Quite often we don’t need physical bars on our windows and security gates to live with a besieged mentality. This is true in our homes, our lives and our churches. Our attitude toward the masses of people around us is to see them as strangers. Obstructions in our way. Interruptions in our lives. At best, something to maneuver around. Since we are not looking for connections, we bar them out of our lives in one way or another. We leave them outside of the gate.

This isn’t meant to be a guilt trip, but an eye-opener to the possibilities. If we bar those around us from our lives, we certainly aren’t alone in this. They are effectively barring us from their lives, too. Some of them by their words, nearly all of them by their actions, deliver to us the same message: “I’m not connected to you. Your problems have nothing to do with my problems. Your happiness has nothing to do with my happiness.” So they take us for granted and we take them for granted.

Which brings us to today’s verse. “Carry one another’s burdens”. Don’t be like the Pharisees, who “crush people with unbearable burdens,” Jesus said, “but they themselves never lift a finger to ease the burden” (Matt 23:4). In other words, don’t increase people’s burdens. Make them lighter.

The people we come in contact with have burdens…probably a load of them. Jesus calls us to detecting and lightening the burdens of others that share our lives…share our space. “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” And don’t forget the people in between.

That’s Christian kindness in a nutshell.

Wheels of Glory! Blog

A Culture of Kindness – VOTD.10.17.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 17th, 2016 | by

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Frequently, in our program-mindset, we think we have to plan and organize in order to achieve eternal results…so while we mean to be kind, or wish we could, we don’t act kindly because we don’t have the time, energy, whatever to do the monumental things. In other words, we make things overly complex.

Those who’ve followed my meditations know that I often say, “I can’t solve world hunger, but I can solve hunger for one or two.” And it’s because we can’t do it all that we often don’t do anything at all.

The thing is, acts of kindness don’t have to be extraordinary. These acts can be the normal, everyday events with a special twist that shows thoughtfulness—that shows we aren’t taking those we interact with for granted, that shows the people we interact with that they are important to us. No matter how simple or complex, no matter how ordinary or unique we always have the opportunity to show the love of Christ through simple acts of kindness. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Lifestyle Kindness (pt 1) – VOTD.10.11.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 11th, 2016 | by Wheels of Glory

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness… Colossians 3:12

Last time we were talking about showing God’s love through the little things. In other words, we were talking about kindness. Kindness is the simple deeds produced from a heart of love. A heart of love results in what I call ‘Lifestyle Kindness’.

Fact is, there are more opportunities to do simple acts of kindness than we can schedule into our lives…and require more energy than we can possibly have. But a lifestyle of kindness doesn’t need to take a lot of extra time and effort to be kind—kindness is part of this person’s fiber. It’s who these people are more than what they do. And the kind acts they do flow out of who they are. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Christian Kindness in the Little Things – VOTD.10.10.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 10th, 2016 | by

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

You have probably heard of the term “servant evangelism.” The term itself is not in the Bible, but the idea is there. Servant evangelism is simply showing the love of God through our own caring and loving actions toward others. Sometimes it’s the person to whom we show kindness to that is blessed—and sometimes they even turn to Jesus. The biblical model, however is that other people see our loving actions toward someone else, and in turn ‘glorify your Father in heaven’.

Jesus carried this one step further when He told us that the way we show His kind of love is by how we treat each other (within the family of God) “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). That “one-another” means people within your own group—within your circle. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with outreach, but that’s not what He’s referring to here. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Christian Kindness (Pt 2) – VOTD.10.04.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 4th, 2016 | by

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us. Ephesians 4:32-5:2

My group’s admin has a signature block on the bottom of all her emails that includes: “Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle – Plato”. That’s a good thing to keep in mind when dealing with difficult people. But it’s not such good advice, however if we find ourselves in difficult circumstances. Just because you or I are having fighting a hard battle doesn’t give us a license to be unkind—and that’s where being tenderhearted comes in.

Almost anyone can be kind when everything is going wonderfully. It takes the tender heart of the Spirit’s transforming fruit to be kind when things aren’t going well…when we face disappointment. When discouragement and hopelessness have us in their grip. When friends have abandoned us, or foes are chortling over our troubles. This calls us to give ourselves over (often) to the Spirit’s transforming power if we’re going to be kind, anyway. (more…)

Wheels of Glory! Blog

Christian Kindness (Pt 1) – VOTD.10.03.16

Posted in Verse of the Day | October 3rd, 2016 | by

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted.  Ephesians 4:32

I sometimes see bumper stickers urging other drivers to practice random acts of kindness. Personally, I’m all for kindness, because it’s one of those things that makes life a happier experience, both in the giving and in the receiving. But that’s mostly kindness in the natural realm.

Christian kindness is a special kind of kindness, because it’s undeserved, just like the grace from which it flows. Christian kindness has more than just warm fuzzies at the center of it. When Christians practice kindness it is not just an outward change of behavior; it something that comes from an internal change of heart. And that makes Christian kindness unique, because it comes from the heart that has been redeemed and transformed by God in to His own likeness.

Today’s verses say, “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted.” At its core, Christian kindness is tenderhearted. That is, it comes from a tender heart. It’s not a hard heart on the inside that pretends to be kind and caring on the outside. It’s not “Well, the sun is shining and I’m having a good day so I treat people kindly”. That supposes that if I’m having a rotten day I have a free pass to treat people crummy…as if they are worthless. (more…)