Wheels of Glory! Blog

Finding God’s Promises – VOTD.03.06.18

Posted in Verse of the Day | March 6th, 2018 | by

For all God’s promises find their “yes” of fulfillment in him. And as our “amen” ascend to God, we bring him glory! We owe our position in Christ to this God of positive promise. 2 Corinthians 1:20-21

Everyone likes a positive promise from God, but often the more complicated part of living out God’s promises, or waiting for them in faith, is discovering what God’s promises are in the first place. Sure, there are plenty of promises in the Bible and they’re all ours, and we should claim them. But there are also more unique promises God has; one-off promises for you or me. How do we find them and how can be sure we’re putting our faith in the right place?

1. Ask. Want wisdom? James tells us to ask God for it (1:5). Want to know God’s promises? Ask God for them. Many of us forget this and think we have to figure things out on our own or get them from some especially spiritual person. Ask God. Trust that He’ll answer.

2. Be faithful where we are. There are lots of God’s promises we already know – they’re in the Bible. Faithfully hold onto the promises God gives us collectively in His Word. When we handle the little He’s given us, He trusts us with more (Matt 25:23).

3. Listen. Continue to study the Word of God and pray (two way communication) (Mal 3:6, James 1:17). Sometimes it helps to get away with Jesus and just talk it out. Take a walk, a drive, do something mindless and manual – get beyond the distractions and spend some TIME. This leads to:

4. Get to know God. Many are afraid they’ll get tricked into “presuming” a Promise that God hasn’t really made. But the better we know God, the less of an issue that will be, because we know He won’t give us a promise that is contrary to His nature.

By the way, Jesus is not worried about our presuming. We’re the ones who are worried about presuming. Do we really think the Lord is fretting in heaven because His followers are believing Him for too much? Is it Jesus who wants to put a brake pedal on our faith? Or would that be the enemy of our souls?

Can we presume too much? Sure. But Jesus can handle that… He can deal gently with people who believed Him for something we’re not ready to receive yet. He can lead us into a fuller revelation of the Truth. But if we shy away in unbelief or double-mindedness, it makes it tough for Him to gently nudge us in a better path. Some of us are so fearful of presumption that we’ve not actually moved. And the only one who profits from that is the enemy.

5. Wait. Waiting is not usually easy. But the good thing about waiting on God is that it drives us deeper into Jesus, where our trust of Him grows and toughens. Waiting on God allows us time to think, pray, and listen for that wisdom God has promised.

Through the years I’ve discovered that God sometimes delays His clear-cut promises in order for our revelation of Him to catch up with His plans for us (or for His plans to blossom within us). Trust that stands in every situation doesn’t just happen. The Spirit cultivates it in us. He’s taking us on a journey, not a sprint. And we can boldly trust His promises, because we know from experience that even if we got the promise wrong somewhere, He’ll be there tenderly channeling us back into his yes and amen promises.

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