Wheels of Glory! Blog

In Search of Joy in a Discouraged World Pt 2 – VOTD.08.29.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | August 29th, 2017 | by

You have made known to me the paths of life; You will fill me with Joy in your presence. Psalms 16:11

Last time we saw that we can have a hard time living in the joy that Jesus wants us to live in and gave a few suggestions about what each of us can do about it as we continue to live in an unspeakably distressed world and is filled with negativity.

1. Joyful Christians have unshakable faith
2. Joyful Christians are grateful for what we have
3. Joyful Christians don’t settle for less
4. Joyful Christians are respectful and honor others
5. Joyful Christians surround themselves with joyful people

6. Joyful Christians aren’t afraid to make changes. A lot of Christians aren’t joyful because they are stuck in a deep rut…a pattern of living that doesn’t serve their calling or purpose in life and from which they can’t seem to get out. Joyful people, on the other hand, are dynamic without being out of control; confident without being arrogant. Often, it’s our fear of being different makes us bored (and boring). Joyful people are constantly trying new ways and practices that add spice to their life (and make them more interesting people).

7. Joyful Christians rarely complain or argue (Phil 3:14). In our brains are neurotransmitters and receivers that communicate by electrical impulses. Thoughts and emotions we think most often literally draw the neurotransmitters and receivers closer together on a microscopic level so that we can think and respond faster. This is how habits are formed; especially thought-habits; So when we exercise complaining thoughts a lot, those thoughts are faster to come to the surface when something happens. If we exercise joyful and loving thoughts, those transmitters and receivers are more likely to trigger first. That’s overly simplified, but the point is to make sure we are intentional in exercising conciliatory thoughts and it will become a habit.

8. Joyful Christians control anger and limit things that incite anger (Jm 1:19,20). We can’t be joyful when we’re angry. Unfortunately, there’s a lot conditions both inside and outside the Christian community that are calculated and engineered to make us angry. Much of what is presented as the news (fake or otherwise) falls into this category. Social media can be another place we meet outraged and anger-inducing people. One of the ways we can spot them is that when we try to spread calm, they don’t like it.

9. Joyful Christians are forgiving and resilient (Eph 4:32). While being a forgiving person isn’t necessarily the easiest path, it’s the one that will leave us feeling happier than our bitter, resentful friends who are on the self-pity treadmill. Forgiveness is the high road, and encourage those around you to follow your example.

We’ll look at this topic of forgiveness a little more next time.

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