Wheels of Glory! Blog

In Search of a Thankful Heart pt 2 – VOTD.08.08.17

Posted in Verse of the Day | August 8th, 2017 | by

Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe.  Hebrews 12:28

Last time we saw that a genuinely thankful person is satisfied in the moment. (How many songs proclaim that ‘Jesus is all I need?’) But we miss that in the ‘now’, because other emotions take center stage. We looked at a few of these seemingly innocent gratitude-breakers and today we’re going to look at a few of the more diabolical ones:

We can’t be thankful and be Arrogant, Impatient, Greedy, Bored, or Judgmental. Why would this be? Because thanksgiving can only come from a humble heart… Thankfulness can only be felt by those who know that no one owes them what they’ve gotten.

In the same way Impatience stems from an attitude of, “my time is more important than yours.” In other words, it stems from arrogance. Thankfulness stems from Love…Love is patient, and true gratitude can only spring forth from love (1 Cor 13:4).

Thankfulness can’t be greedy. The two are opposites. Thankfulness says, “I am satisfied.” “I have enough.” A greedy spirit never has enough. (Col 3:5)

Bored?? Yes, a thankful heart isn’t bored. Boredom nearly always results from dissatisfaction in the moment; this is the opposite of thankfulness. Face it, there are always things to do. But a bored person isn’t stratified with the options… that person wants MORE… No wonder it’s often said that boredom is a tell-tale sign of moral issues at some level or other.

A thankful heart isn’t judgmental. The most gracious hearts are also the most humble. They don’t go around thinking they (or their special group) are better, more empowered, or more spiritual than others. They have what the Bible calls “sober judgment” (Rom 12:3). That see others from God’s perspective.

Real gratitude to God doesn’t have room for those sorts of emotions. A heart filled with thanksgiving is a heart filled with the mind of Christ. It is full of peace, joy, humility and holiness.

It’s filled and being filled with Jesus.

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