Wheels of Glory! Blog

VOTD.03.15.16 Be Thankful

Posted in Verse of the Day | March 15th, 2016 | by J

Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be
thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, Hebrews

According to today’s verse we are receiving the kingdom of God… the very presence of the King is being received by us… not just once, a long time ago at an alter, but continuously, right now…

Since we are receiving the presence and majesty of Jesus on a continual basis, “Let us be thankful”. What an understatement!

But there are things that get in the way of our thankfulness. There are some things you can’t do well while being genuinely thankful to God. They are simply incompatible with genuine thanksgiving.

For example, we can’t be arrogant, impatient, greedy, bored or judgmental and maintain a thankful heart.

Why would this be? Because Thanksgiving can only come from a humble heart… any of us can say “thank you” and be polite, but it can’t genuinely mean it, because, in the end… it thinks it deserves all it has… and probably more. Thanksgiving can only be felt by those who know they don’t deserve what they’ve gotten.

Thankfulness can’t be impatient… Impatience stems from an attitude of, “my time is more important than yours.” In other words it stems from arrogance. Thanksgiving stems from Love…Love is patient, and thanksgiving can only emanate from love. (1 Cor 13:4)

Thankfulness can’t be greedy. The two are opposites. Thankfulness says, “I am satisfied.” “I have enough.” A greedy spirit never has enough. (Col 3:5)

Bored?? Yes, A thankful heart isn’t bored. Boredom nearly always results from dissatisfaction; this is the opposite of thanksgiving. Face it, there are always things to do. But a bored person isn’t satisfied with the options… that person wants MORE… No wonder it’s often said that boredom is a tell-tale sign of moral failure at some level or other.

A thankful heart isn’t judgmental. The most gracious hearts are also the most humble. They don’t go around thinking they are better, more empowered, or more spiritual than others. They have what the Bible calls “sober judgment” (Rom 12:3). That see others from God’s perspective.

Real gratitude to God doesn’t have room for those sort of emotions. A heart filled with thanksgiving is a heart filled with the mind of Christ. It is full of peace, joy, humility and holiness. It’s filled and being filled with Jesus.

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